Hailing from Minneapolis, Villain of the Story are a metalcore / alternative rock band made up of Christian Grey and Logan Bartholomew (co-vocalists), Cody Pauly (guitar) and Page Brownie (bass).

Since 2014, Villain of the Story have accumulated over 75 million plays across various platforms. Described as having a sound that’s a “unique blend of 2010's metalcore intensity and 2000's radio rock accessibility”, they appeal to those us who miss a quintessential type of rock that soundtracked our early lives. Potentially, it could be considered nostalgic. We say, there’s nothing wrong with that.

For their new single ‘My Own Way’, they have gone on record as saying: “when writing our new album we all agreed we wanted to make the most Nickelback song we could that was still within our range of sound. I think we executed the vision".

There’s absolutely no denying it, it sounds like a Nickleback b-side! The track starts in an aggressively heavy metal direction, with harsh rhythms formed and setting the melody and pace for Chad Kroegeresque vocals. Getting distinctly grittier on guitar and signified with a guttural post-hardcore scream, we hear the onslaught on hardcore riffs and thrash metal energy thrown in for good measure!

On their tongue-in-cheek music video, the band states “filming the video for ‘My Own Way’ was the most fun we’ve had making a video. Random ideas, awful editing, just a video where we let loose and didn’t take it seriously at all".

They do look like they had fun with their chorography!