Starting off in music is both the most exciting and challenging part of any young new musician’s career. It’s when you hear them at their rawest, it takes you back to those days of recording in your bedroom, annoying family and neighbours but absolutely giddy with excitement that this is going to be the one!

“Late Mr. Murphy ”(Jake Murphy), from St Albans Hertfordshire is, like many others, on such a journey. Just turned 18 and studying music at Oaklands College, Welwyn Garden City and already getting some airplay on local radio, Jakes new EP, ”Am I an Outcast” was released on Spotify on June 9th.

Today’s review is indeed the first single “Am I an outcast”, and immediately I’m into the catchy intro, building into a clever hook, in fact the song builds beautifully to maintain a momentum that keeps you engaged throughout. Its effortless simplicity, rawness and indeed flaws are engaging, and this song somehow gets into your head, and delightfully stays there. Its tightly produced by the man himself and really this is a clever, inciteful and all the time an underlining theme of retribution from one so new to the industry. Every time I listen to it I’m picking up on something new, and I can say the EP itself is sounding promising. No labels, no contracts, but bags of potential! Well done young sir. I encourage you, give it a listen!