Dion seems to have been there from the beginning of time (in rock & roll terms) and has been a lead singer/songwriter in genres as diverse as doo-wop, pop, rock, R&B, folk and blues.
His latest incarnation, as a Blues/rocker, has seen one fantastic album of duets and now sees a new album of ‘Girl Friends’.
Dion explains, “I’ve noticed that men play a different tune when there are women in the room — and it’s a different kind of jam when women are in the mix. I don’t know why this is so, but it is. Maybe we men, at some primitive level, are competing for their attention. As I said, I don’t know why or how. I do know it makes better music and we’re all better for it.” He concludes with an encapsulation of vision for Girl Friends, “I wanted the best music possible. So, I wrote up a batch of duets for me and my ‘girl friends,’ the women who inhabit my headphones — the women who make me turn up the volume when they drop into my radio. I invited them to join me, one by one, and here they are, wailing on the guitar and into the microphone. You’ll hear the feminine genius in every groove of this record, and you won’t forget any of it”.

This is the second single to drop from the album and his duet with Susan Tedeschi (of Tedeschi Trucks fame), is exactly what the title suggests. His voice has mellowed over the years, like a fine brandy, and the match with Tedeschi’s guitar playing has a steamy and powerful groove to it.