Erja Lyytinen’s one of the best guitarists on the scene at the moment – forget male or female, forget rock or Blues – just one of the best. And this single, a taster for her new live album ‘Diamonds On The Road - Live 2023’ which is released on October 6th, and shows off her slide and riffing to a great extent. The rest of her band working their collective asses off in support and the whole thing is nearly six minutes of rock bliss.
Her vocals are fine, showing a remarkable falsetto at points, but her guitar playing is her greatest strength.

The song is not what the title may suggest, rather she is complaining about male preconceptions and unwanted advances, but it doesn’t come over as aggressively offended. The tale is there if you listen.

Erja’s custom blue Thomann guitar is made for slide and she rips out a couple of stunning soloes on it.
A monster single and one due for a lot of radio play methinks.

