Today promises to be a scorcher so armed with shades, hat and shorts it’s off to The Other Stage to see Ben Howard.
The big stage suits his new set of songs, more intricate and multi-layered, reaching for specific sounds and rhythms with spaces in between. His voice heavily tempered and echoed makes it seem all a bit like an ode to The National but it’s pleasing to the ear at this time of the morning. Well received were the songs ‘I Forget Where We Were’ and ‘Days of Lantana’.

Ladies and Gentleman, The Hives. There is a big crowd ready and willing to get sucker punched by the amazing Swedish rock band and with their many hilarious quips and crowd pleasing antics they play a blinder. Pelle Almqvist has become one of the very best frontmen to boot and even though it’s only a 45 minute set, he talks and interplays with the crowd for many minutes of it. He builds up the songs like ‘Hate to stay I Told You So’ and latest single ‘Countdown To Shutdown’ with confident jibe, before delivering on all counts. Pelle, tongue in cheek but then again half convinced, leaves us with the lines “Enjoy your Glastonbury, it’s all downhill from here”. Well, maybe not quite but this is a high point for sure.

An emotional Ian Broudie at The Other Stage sears through a classic Lightning Seeds set with everything you would expect and love. Personally 'Lucky You' gets the ultimate nod with obviously 'Three Lions' closing the show sung by one and all.

Woodsies is the new name for The John Peel Stage. Digga D is on mid-afternoon with his particular brand of rhythm and DJ beats. Popular and in demand he leads his band of brothers onstage to applause from a devoted crowd.

Caught the tail end of Texas with the hits ‘Say What you Want’ and ‘Inner Smile’ always crowd pleasers and with Sharleen Spitteri on good form but decide to rush off to see Deadletter at the Left Field stage. An exciting new band with jagged edges that bring to mind early new wave music such as Gang of Four or Ian Dury and the Blockheads. The six peice band play with passion and verve, their angular but enticing post punk songs getting people to dance and pogo. They hail from Yorkshire but are now based in London and will be a band to watch out for over the next 12 months. Songs like ‘Madge’s Declaration’, ‘Pop Culture Connoisseur’ and ‘Fit For Work’ with their socially aware/political lyrics and urgent delivery make you sit up and listen. Really enjoyed the set.

Then we head for The Pyramid Stage for The Churn Ups. There was that slight tension in the air as to who would actually show for the 18.15 slot but thankfully as expected, the Foo Fighters appeared to raucous applause. If they are not everyone’s favourite band, they are your second favourite. The love in the field was palpable as it was amongst the band/family that are the Foo’s. The crowd basking in the glorious sunshine, welcome a fabulous setlist. They steal the day. Dave Grohl is just so lovable and attentive, to crowd and band members alike. He introduces the band with panache, appreciation and affection combined. He shares the vocals with his daughter Violet on the emotional ‘Show Me How’ and his heartfelt ode to Taylor Hawkins on the closer ‘Everlong’ has the heart strings tugging. They are simply magnificent with songs like ‘My Hero’, ‘The Pretender’, ‘Rescued’, ‘No Son Of Mine’ brimming with he sound of greatness. Happy faces everywhere .

Royal Blood follow The ChurnUps (let’s be official) and play their riff-led rock to a smaller audience but they always offer a great vibe willing you to dance. The duo are helped out on on keys, and their heartfelt words of "never in our wildest dreams would we have imagined to be onstage at the Pyramid in this slot" are true and gracious.

Time for the headliner Artic Monkeys as people start to stream in after Royal Blood to fill the area far and wide. What to say. It happens to very few bands in the rock world that everyone sings the words to every song be it girls and boys alike. That is so special and yet I’m not sure that this totally committed adoration quite sinks into Alex until the very end when he seems to perk up and realize it. It’s the same set as is being played on the stadium tours but Glastonbury is always different and demands more. Maybe that more was not given but they are now a truly a complete band which have steadily grown in great measure as their album output shows. The latest album 'The Car' being a feast musically and lyrically. The grainy screen quality, coupled with no footage in between songs, and Turner's minimalist approach reduces the momentum as the set progresses. It’s just a bit odd to my ears to hear silence even but then ‘Body Paint’ or ‘R U Mine’ or ‘Brianstorm’ will spark up and the crowd revs up again. Bittersweet set but overall another momentous day with Foo Fighters claiming top podium.