The latest release from Mike Zito’s Gulf Coast Records and as seems to be usual Zito has come up with a journeymen Blues player who is something really special.

Burt has a rich voice, really soulful and very well suited to the soul feel that adds a lot to the Southern Blues of this album. Burt’s guitar playing is excellent and you get the added advantage of Mike Zito himself playing on a lot of the tracks. Burt also plays a very tasty harmonica and the opening track ‘Ain’t Got No Problem With It’ features it strongly.

He has been around for a while, picking up awards and nominations for years and was inducted into the Iowa Blues Hall of Fame in 2019 (he is a native Iowan). He is a self-taught singer, guitarist and harp player but managed to get three top awards in the 2018 Blues Challenge, including Best Harmonica Player. He is also a self-taught songwriter and 9 of the 10 tracks here are his – the exception is Bill Withers ‘Better Off Dead’.

Self-taught or not, his playing and writing is surprisingly excellent and there is a real funk to his music. I really enjoyed his vocal style – one moment a bellow another a soul-tinged plea – and the guitar playing throughout the album is excellent.

Stand out numbers are aplenty. ‘Got To Make A Change’ is dark and moody, heavy and slow drum and bass, wandering slide guitar and his vocal performance is his best on the album. ‘Purdy Li’l Thang’ is a countryfied call-out to his wife, his vocals showing all his mid-west origins and really getting a groove into the song. The aforementioned ‘Better Off Dead’ is a stunner, really capturing Bill Withers style and putting over the song with dense emotion. ‘Something Special About You’ is pure soul with a great vocal.

A fine album, enjoyable from start to finish.