CC Miles All Grown Up, Re-Brands as Raw Rock Artist Sierra Miles

When CC Miles first hit the music scene, she was just a young teenager writing and recording pop songs while learning on the fly. Now, with lots of live shows, media appearances, and recordings under her belt, the confident nineteen year old has matured into Sierra Miles, a new brand that will focus on authentic, raw and edgy rock. Music-News had a chance to sit down with Sierra and learn about her transition into this new chapter of her career.

Hey Sierra, so tell us. After so much impressive success with the "CC Miles" brand, why the change to Sierra Miles?

I loved being CC Miles and she will always have a place in my heart, but my music has unexpectedly taken a turn. I’ve been experimenting with a darker sound and I feel like I really found my voice in this new area. It is completely different from the songs of my past - in a good way. I feel more connected to this music than ever before. Over the months in isolation, I felt a whole new identity emerge from myself. One that I didn’t know was inside me. I simply don’t feel like CC Miles anymore and it didn’t feel right to keep the name with my music changing so much.

As you move on from CC Miles and into this new chapter as Sierra Miles, what's one lesson you'll take with you? Also, what was your favorite memory during the CC Miles days?

The most important lesson I’ve learned is to make music that I love. In the past I’ve caught myself making a certain type of music just because that’s what I thought people wanted to hear. I was following trends and trends do what they do, they go out of style just as fast as they came in. My new music is not what you’re going to hear on today’s hits and I’m okay with that. I’m more than okay with it because I love the songs so much and I think my fans are going to love them too.

So who really is Sierra Miles and what can we expect moving forward?

The real difference between who I was before and who I am now comes down to the music. Not only is the music stylistically darker, the subject matter is too. I wrote this new music without a filter and without wondering what other people were going to think of it. I didn’t worry about my image or my brand. I just wrote what I wanted to. I gave myself permission to go deeper and when I did, there was a lot to be uncovered. There were feelings I had and beliefs I held that I wasn’t even aware of until I allowed myself to actually face them. The hardest part was actually sharing it with friends and family because I didn’t know what they would say. I wasn’t playing it safe anymore and it turns out there was a lot I was holding back. When writing the first song for this album, I felt like I unleashed something that couldn’t be stopped. I just kept writing song after song after song and they were songs I had no idea I was capable of. But that’s what happens when you step outside of your comfort zone. You find something new.

When can we hear the new music?!

The first song comes out on June 10th. It’s called “Funeral For My Morals” and it was the defining point in my transition from CC to Sierra. On the surface, it’s fun in a self deprecating way. When you read further into it, it’s a story about an endless cycle of self sabotage to the point where you’ve pushed everyone you love away. It will be followed up with a full length album that continues to tell the story. I was listening to a lot of classic rock and 90’s alternative rock while creating this album, so you can hear a bit of those influences.

Who is one artist that you would like to tour with?

I would love to tour with Greta Van Fleet. They have that 70’s rock sound that many people miss. I think those are the people that will be interested in my new music.

How can our readers find you?

All the new music will be under my name, Sierra Miles, and will be released on all streaming platforms. My youtube channel is Sierra Miles and my website is My socials are still being rebranded from @ccmiles to @soulofsierra.