Paul K is a musician and composer and the music he creates is always designed to draw an emotional or intellectual response from the listener. He both tells tales and asks questions through his stunningly atmospheric combination of electronics and acoustic instruments and the last few albums have been high-spots of the musical year in which they were released.

‘Anandamide’ has as a theme the Coronavirus lockdown and it was recorded entirely during the lockdown period.

Everyone experienced the lockdown in different ways but there were some things that were common to almost everyone – we were all affected by the quiet on the streets, the sense of peace as we took our daily walks, the sight of the world around us apparently cleansing through the lack of pollution caused by cars and planes. Some turned to religion to try and explain or work through the sudden loss of structure while others took the opportunity to expand their skills and abilities. This album, for me, looks to address the different experiences of the whole population during that shared experience.

I find it impossible to listen to Paul K’s music without retreating inside myself, trying to find my own position on the questions he poses but playing it to a friend elicited a totally different reaction as they sat, quietly, with tears streaming down their face. As always from Paul K, this is music that strikes deep to the soul and heart but strikes each person in a different way.

There is simply no point in going through the album picking out points here and there or commenting on particular moments of instrumentation. One just has to listen to the album as a whole and try to pick out the strands that are most meaningful. There is beautiful playing and composing all through the album and there is deep melancholy and sense of loneliness from time to time but there is also a sense of wonder that comes from within the listener and in his/her reaction to parts of the music.

The music is breathtaking in parts but don’t listen for the parts – listen to the piece as a whole to get the full effect.