Name: Rita Pace

Born on: 31/5/74

Home town:

Website / Facebook / Twitter You Tube page

Song Title : Primadonna - Clinton Paul / Stephen Baldacchino

Favourite food:

Sports activity:
I'm not really into sports

Favourite local TV show:

and favourite Foreign TV show:

How important is music to you/why:
very important

Can you share with us something curious/funny
which happened to you when performing:
I can't remember any right now.

From the current Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2015
finalists, who would you choose to duet
All of them because each one is unique and I think all would be fun to work with.

A typical weekday for you from morning to
Every day is different but I always have a
lot to do because I have two children. smile emoticon

How do you like to spend your weekends:
I like to spend time with my family and
sometimes I also have singing events.

Your musical influences:
I listen to all types of music especially
classical, rock and progressive music.

Your inspiration in life:
I admire people who can think outside the
box and be original, but most of all I admire
people who leave the world in a better state
than how they found it rather than accept
things as they are. Mother Theresa for
example. In spite of the evil we see around
us this is what redeems the human race.

A message to the our readers?:
Thanks for being there for us and for
supporting our music because you motivate us
to work harder. It is good to know that
Maltese music is appreciated.

Interviewed by Mr. Joseph Portelli (Music News Malta Editor)

Festival Information :