For most people, completing a writing task is difficult to begin, difficult to continue, and even more difficult to complete. Writing successfully and consistently is quite a difficult task that requires a person to remain disciplined and inspired. Essay writing requires a student to be at their best, relaxed, and uninhibited by external factors. While it is easy to borrow ideas from prominent writers regarding their chosen writing style, it's best for a person to find their own way. In the same way, people feel differently concerning playing music as they write an essay. Playing music means it’s always in your background, prodding you. Some people will write about their popular music, while others may not. But, why not? If you’re feeling uninspired, Steve Silberman feels that some playlists of music could evoke the elusive Muse.

To Listen or Not to Listen?
As we noted earlier, essay writing requires a student to retain a high level of concentration. In one of the major studies that provide evidence of creativity from music, Simone Ritter and Sam Ferguson note that listening to happy songs, especially from classical artists, enhances a person’s divergent thinking, which is all a student would need when writing that class-topping essay. The scientific basis for listening to music is explained by the listener’s arousal levels and mood, which influence their performance in various activities, including essay writing. When the student listens to a certain music genre, it elicits a better mood, reducing their anxiety while also opening them to a better writing mindset. A positive mindset might increase the student’s understanding of critical concepts, and in extension, their capacity to explain their thoughts in the essay.

Feel Motivated
When writing an essay, a student may feel too lazy to complete even the first sentence. Listening to music you love before or during the initial paragraphs provides the student with the motivation to find the elusive ideas to write that excellent paper. If you are feeling stuck regarding the direction your essay will take, listening to songs you love might provide the answers you need to unlock that mental block. Popular writing guide website, PurdueOnlineWritingLab notes that listening to music while developing ideas actually improves the flow of ideas. The calming effect may not work for everyone, but it’s worth the try for that smashing grade. If you are still feeling uninspired by the music, at professional writing services we have excellent and dependable writers who will complete that essay within your stipulated deadline.

Specific Genres?
While a student may have a specific genre, to which they listen, different music types elicit varying reactions. When writing that essay, you will need songs that arouse the desire to articulate your ideas, but also avoid becoming fully fixated on the music. As the study by Simon Ritter and Sam Ferguson highlighted, the best genres to listen to when writing should not have lyrical content. The finding is known as the Mozart effect and works by elevating certain moods that are essential to writing, such as euphoria. Also, the music form, such as pitch, rate, and intensity will affect your capacity to effectively present your ideas on paper.

For example, studies have shown that people who listen to high-pitch music solved mental challenges, such as presenting ideas, more successfully. The same applies to students who play happy songs, with the group able to think creatively. This means you will have multiple solutions when writing your essay, ensuring you don’t get stuck after two paragraphs. There’s plenty of evidence that writing creativity increases after listening to music, with this article by the New York Times highlighting writers who have produced world-beating material after being inspired by music.

You’ll note that different individuals sought motivation from different genres, including hip-hop, opera, spirituals, jazz, and blues. Remarkably, most of the writers used non-lyrical content. Some popular websites for writers include JazzRadio, CalmRadio, and Brain.FM. As a rule of thumb, the less emotionally attached you are to the songs you’re listening to, the less likelihood of becoming distracted

White Noise
This is a notable genre as it relates to sounds based on nature, including birds, chirping, the sound of ocean waves, or even cars passing. Also referred to as ambient noise, the genre has been shown to enhance a person’s creativity and productivity. That guy you see seated at the corner table of your favorite coffee shop is taking advantage of all that noise, from the espresso machine, people speaking around him, and other background noises. The sounds are likely to increase your focus on the essay writing task. If you don’t have access to a café, there are applications and video websites, where a student can listen to recorded white noise to increase their word count.

For example, you can find thunderstorm sounds on YouTube, which will likely block out all other sounds that could be distracting. Notably, ambient sounds still have a melody to them, despite their repetitiveness. In addition, they provide variety and seem to narrate a story. If you are one to wear headphones, binaural beats will provide you with super focus, concentration, and creativity by enhancing, “whole brain synchronization.”

As highlighted here, listening to music while writing that essay will direct frequencies to the left and right sides of our brain. Your brain will then perceive a different frequency, which will be the variance between the two-fold frequencies.

Ultimately, the best music during essay writing is that which influences your creativity without disrupting your writing process. For you, it could be jazz, white noise, classical music, or a high-tempo beat that will liven up your brain and increase your writing speed. The music genre you select should support you, as we have noted that different people will be affected differently. What will work for you might not necessarily work for some other student. With that in mind, it’s essential to try multiple genres to select the type that will suit your essay writing objectives. Don’t be afraid to experiment and good luck!

