In this week's Billboard cover story Romeo Santos talks about his sexuality, selling out concerts like 'Beyonce', and manning up as a father.

Starting his career in the band Aventura, Romeos life changed right as his bands star was finally rising. In 2001, Romeos son was born.

On having to man up for his son:
“I was very immature,” says Santos. “The first year-and-a-half I was like, ‘Maybe he’s not mine!’ The kid looked like me from day one, but I just wasn’t ready for that commitment at the time. I wanted to focus on my music.” It took a while for his mother to make him understand that he had to “man up,” but he did. He bought a house for his ex-girlfriend and Alex, and has grown close to his son, who’s now 14.

The song “No Tiene la Culpa” tells the story of a boy's struggles growing up gay. The song has sparked rumors of Romeos sexuality which he denies.

On his sexuality:
Numerous sources confirm that Santos has a long-term girlfriend, who also is from the Bronx. Santos refuses to comment on that or any other relationship. “I’ve been so private. That’s part of the reason they’ve said, ‘Is Romeo gay?’ No. I just don’t want to show you my girl if I got a girl. I’m not married.” Why not just talk about his personal life? “I want to sell music. That’s all I’m interested in selling.”

On selling out shows like 'Beyonce":
“I’m reaching a huge audience,” he says. “I’m doing what artists like Beyoncé are doing in terms of selling out stadiums. The difference is my audience speaks Spanish.”

