Sinead O'Connor addressed the Twitterverse on Wednesday asking for help with what appears to be a psychological crisis. The situation follows her on-again-off-again-on-again relationship with her new husband which has included a few "too much information" tweets in recent days.

The following are the messages from earlier today and reference her new husband Barry and the newspaper the Irish Independent who published an article alleging that Barry was counselling teenagers on drugs while Sinead was out looking for them:

i realise i will be in trouble 4 doing this but.. ireland is a VERY hard place to find help in. So having tried other ways 1st im asking

does any1 know a psychiatrist in dublin or wicklow who could urgently see me today please? im really un-well... and in danger.

the sindo article about them trying to lose barry his job and every1 being shit to him 4 marrying me has spun me off and im ill

and i desperately need to get back on meds today. am in serious danger. please e mail me at [removed] if u know or are

a psychiatrist who can help me today... dont tweet i b away from computer i broke ankle have to go casualty

[removed] pls.. can any psychiatrist see me today an get me back on meds an help me without me having to go hospital?
me dont wanna leave me kids. or fuck up me work. im sorry worrying any1.. is just am sick and ireland shit for finding help cant think of any other way

Approximately nine hours later, the crisis seemed to be over:

hey.. wanna thank all SO much for such great help today. have a number of numbers, contacts, etc now and appointments

spoke to some great psych docs u all put me on to, gonna meet a few.. but had go hos as fractured ankle (Good work funny ways)

so they wus fab help too.. but u all amazing to send numbers and ideas and i love u all so much for that and am feeling much better

so me start meds for few weeks just they say to lift out of apres marital abuse of inoccent hubby by nasty ppl depression