Tish Cyrus has revealed she asked to be put in a "mental hospital" following the downfall of her marriage to Billy Ray Cyrus and the death of her mother.

During Wednesday's episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast, Miley Cyrus' mum revealed she had "a complete psychological breakdown" after she decided to leave the Achy Breaky Heart singer in 2020, the same year her mother died.

"It was so crazy, because honestly my biggest two fears in life were being alone and my mum passing away," she candidly admitted. "I was like, 'I just don't know if I'll survive when my mum dies.' Like, honestly. And I had one month of a, honestly, complete psychological breakdown. It was the worst thing - like, honestly. It was not good.

"I just pushed the mum (stuff) under the rug and then the divorce came and then I was just like... calling him (Dr Amen) and saying, 'Can you please put me in a mental hospital?'"

Dr. Amen advised her against going to a medical facility, but Tish, 56, was not in a good place.

"I could not eat. I could not sleep. I could not stop crying. I literally weighed, like, 130 (pounds)," she confessed. "I don't have my mum, and then I don't have my husband that's been my husband for 30 years. Like, holy c**p, I'm scared."

Tish and Billy Ray, who married in 1993, had filed for divorce from each other twice before but had later reconciled. However, when he went to Tennessee and she stayed in California during the pandemic, she knew the marriage was really over.

"I really during that period took a good hard look at my life and what was I going to do... It had not been in a good place for a long time; I think I stayed out of fear of being alone," she commented.

Tish eventually filed for divorce from Billy Ray in 2022 and they have both moved on - Tish married Prison Break actor Dominic Purcell and Billy Ray married singer Firerose last year.

"I literally made the decision moving on with my life, it worked out for the best," Tish added. "I will never put up with disrespect. I didn't even know until I had a new relationship that there was so much respect, how much disrespect there was in my marriage before, on both our parts."

