This week on Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?, Popstar P!nk joins CNN Anchor Chris Wallace to talk about her new album, the message in her music and how she balances being a mom and a musician.

WALLACE: The first song that I identify you with, a lot of your fans, but that I identify you with is Lady Marmalade in 2001 that you sang with Christina Aguilera and Maya and Lil Kim. I read that at one point, Christina wanted to have a fight with you (she did) as to who was going to sing which part of the song. If that had happened, because I watched this video, you would have kicked her ass.

P!NK: No, well, maybe but, well, our personalities just didn't you know, not everybody is supposed to like each other and that's okay. And back then our personalities did not mix at all and that was okay and then we hugged it out, kissed it out, and we have many times since.

Chris Wallace: So, did she really want to throw down with you?

P!NK: She was upset that I was sitting in her chair and so was going to shut down the entire production. And I didn't know I was sitting in her chair. And I'm also, I've been, I was homeless at 15 like, you can't talk to me any kind of way. And so, I've you know, you picked the wrong one. But that's over, it’s over.

WALLACE: I understand but it's a pretty interesting story.

P!NK: It is an interesting story, but it probably happens every day. In every workplace. People just, some people don't get along and then they figure it out and they realize what's important and they hug it out and they move on.

WALLACE: You should see me and Wolf Blitzer, it goes on all the time.

P!NK: I can imagine (laughs).

WALLACE: You're doing an ad campaign now, for people who have risk factors to take COVID more seriously. So when you got COVID, as you did, with your history of asthma, how serious was it?

P!NK: I was using a nebulizer for the first time in 30 years. It was very scary. And in hindsight, looking back, my son was actually the sickest. When your kid is, is projectile vomiting and screaming and covered in a rash and telling you they can't breathe. It's the scariest thing. I mean, any parent knows, when your child is sick, it's done-zo, game over, is how it feels.

WALLACE: What's the real message you're trying to get out?

P!NK: The real message is, the fact that we have access to modern medicine is an absolute blessing. When I can get a Z-pack when I need one, it is an absolute blessing. And so, it's not about the's about, I'm also not telling you to get the jab or anything else. I'm saying have a plan. Just take care of yourselves, have a plan, talk to your doctor. Know if you have health risks. One of my best friend's dad died while I was on FaceTime with him in the hospital. It's not a joke, and it's not a Republican versus Democrat thing. It's just, you're lucky to have medicine if you need it.