Noddy Holder's wife is haunted by 'Merry Xmas Everybody' when she does her Christmas shopping.

The 76-year-old Slade legend's wife Suzan admitted she finds her festive shopping trips "a bizarre experience" as she hears her husband's voice over the speakers when she's trying to find him the perfect gift.

Writing in her column for Cheshire Life magazine, she said: "Trying to do my Christmas shopping is often a bizarre experience as my husband's voice follows me everywhere I go.

"I'll be hunting for something suitable for 'him indoors' and there he'll be blasting from a speaker. It's very distracting."

The couple - who have 27-year-old son Django together - have been married for 32 years, and the 56-year-old 'Loose Women' producer turned novelist revealed he shouts his iconic "It's Christmas" line at her every December 25.

She added: "Christmas a deux with Noddy Holder has its moments and, yes, he does wake me up on December 25 by bellowing... can you guess?

"If you think it's loud on the record, you have no idea."

Slade's 1973 hit has become a seasonal classic, and Suzan reflected on the way its become such a staple.

She said: "Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would end up married to a man as synonymous with Christmas (almost) as much as Santa himself.

"Slade's 'Merry Xmas Everybody' will be 50 years old next year. The track is now as much part of Christmas as crackers and cranberry sauce."

There's no escape for Noddy either when he's out and about, and she joked "it's as if the playlist senses his presence" when he's out shopping, which used to delight their son when he was about four years old.

She recalled: "Django decided to sing along while shouting, 'It's your song, Daddy! Daddy it's YOU!' Noddy said he had to scarper as Django's antics began to draw a crowd."