In this exclusive clip from the upcoming feature documentary, we see talking heads Elton John, Mark Ronson, John Paul Gaultier, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell amongst others discuss the genius behind George’s concept for the iconic Freedom! ’90 music video.

In the clip, Elton John sums up the pioneering spirit of the video, “It changed the whole face of how videos were done. The video said everything. It was genius and it was a revolutionary thing.”

Naomi Campbell adds, “George pitched it to me in L.A. and his exact words were ‘You’re the leader of the gang and unless you say yes, the rest of the girls won’t.’”

The Freedom! '90 music video was directed by David Fincher and a 4K remastered version of the full video will play out before the main feature in cinemas worldwide on June 22.

GEORGE MICHAEL FREEDOM UNCUT will be screening in cinemas worldwide on Wednesday 22nd June.

