Tom Meighan wants to make peace with his former Kasabian bandmate Serge Pizzorno.

The 41-year-old singer was thrown out of the group he had fronted for two decades after drunkenly assaulting his then-fiancée – and now wife – Vikki Alger on April 9, 2020, an attack for which he was later found guilty of but spared jail.

His conviction and sentence of 200 hours unpaid work prompted his long-time friend Serge and his other bandmates to axe him from the band, saying they could not "condone" Tom's conviction as "domestic violence is something that can never be excused".

In an interview on YouTube channel Talk Tonight HQ, he said: "I've been with those boys for 23 years, that's a long time. I love them, and I love Serge.

"We've not really spoken, you know. Maybe when the time's right we probably will ... Maybe one day I'll have a chat with Serge and see him. Time's a healer, man.

"I love Serge and I know he loves me as well. But I think everyone is bruised.

"It is what it is man, I'm just trying to find my way in life and I think it's going to be alright.

"But I have no malice or anything towards anyone. I've got no malice in my body whatsoever.

"It's wonderful memories and I'm very grateful that I experienced that with them lads, my brothers.

"I'm not closing any door, I'd be silly to say that. Of course the door is not closed."

Tom is getting ready to release his first solo LP, whilst Kasabian are now fronted by Serge on vocals and are getting ready to release their seventh studio LP, 'The Alchemist's Euphoria', their first record that won't feature Tom singing.

He added:"It's a good life man, it's not a bad world, really ... I think I'm fortunate and I count my blessings, really, for the people that love me and I'm a good guy at heart. I messed up and s*** happens. I've paid the consequences for it. It is what it is. You get on with it and you learn and try and be a better person and that's it.

"I'm not ill or anything, I was in a hole, and I had to come out of that hole, it's one of those things, that's life."