Miley Cyrus has given a bulldog a real-life rags to riches story by adopting her after she was taken in by firefighters in Fresno.

Back in April, the canine found her way to the North Central Fire District Station, where staff offered the homeless pup a place to sleep.

She spent four nights on a mat behind the station and kept a close eye waiting for the firefighters to return whenever they were out on calls.

North Central Fire Captain Lucian Neely then reached out to his brother, who had recently lost a bulldog, who offered to foster the dog, before a family friend contacted Wagmor Pets - a rescue place based in Los Angeles.

After taking her in and nursing her back to health, Wagmor Pets owner Melissa Bacelar gave her the name Daisy and listed her for adoption on her website. But while most bulldogs are snapped up quickly, Daisy was overlooked - until Bacelar received a text from Miley.

"About a month and a half into her journey with us, Miley texted me and she said, ‘Listen, I can’t take another dog right now. But can I bring Daisy to set with me. I’m gonna be filming a video and I want to bring her to set and see if I could find her a home," Bacelar told local news outlet KMPH.

An hour after picking Daisy up, Miley texted Bacelar again to inform her that she'd changed the dog's name to Kate Moss.

While Miley initially intended to keep Kate Moss for just a day, that turned into a night, then a week, then a fortnight - before the Midnight Sky star decided one month later to officially adopt the dog.

"Now, Daisy is living the good life with Miley. She went from a fire station in Fresno to Louis Vuitton sheets in Beverly Hills," Bacelar smiled. "It’s our rags to riches story."

Kate Moss was the sixth dog Miley has adopted from Wagmor and she still sends updates on to Bacelar.