Katy Perry facetimed Hits Radio Breakfast’s Fleur East and James Barr from her home today. The singer shared with us what it’s like being pregnant in a pandemic, talked about going DIY on her new album and chatted about her neighbour Adele’s incredible transformation.

Telling us about her current situation Katy shared - “I’m doing well and grateful, all things considered. I mean, I am pregnant in a pandemic. Never thought I would say those words. I’ve been able to quarantine with my two nieces and nephew and Orlando’s son. So, I’ve got a whole crew, which is fun, super playful, but yeah it’s been interesting.”

Speaking about her new song Daisies and her upcoming album she told us - “It’s an anthem for your dreams and not letting anyone tell you otherwise. I actually wrote this song in February. I’d been making a record, not really saying I’d been making a record but all of a sudden I’ve written all these songs and they need a home and a package. So I have been putting the finishing touches on my record at home, with my brother-in-law.”

When asked about the rumours of Taylor Swift featuring on her new album she replied - “No! Not as yet. No, I mean the fans are so fun, they do search far and wide for Easter eggs and we do put them in our visuals and in lyric videos and music videos, in content that we create. But, not everything is an Easter egg.”

Katy shared what it’s like finishing an album at home - “It’s very do it yourself. Do it yourself, Debbie. I did it myself when I first started, I had to hustle, so I know what the hustle feels like and I still hustle in a lot of ways, but with a team. But now, I’ve gotten really good at putting on a false eyelash. I have used these false eyelashes, maybe, seven or eight times and god knows where I found them.”

She spoke to us about her excitement for becoming a new mum - “I’ve always wanted to be that. I didn’t know if I could be that, or if I’d have the capacity. My sister is the most maternal one in my family and I’m a logistics strategiser, you know, show off, and I didn’t have the maternal gene, so I’ve had to really learn how to have that.”

Katy spoke to us about THAT pregnancy announcement -“I always like to announce things through my music, which is my main focus and everything stems from that. I wanted to do something creative and related to music and it just seemed so natural. I was getting really big, couldn’t hide it, and I was getting sick of hiding it too. I was like, how many purses can I put in front of me? It was either, I put it out or some tabloid puts it out. It’s nice to have control over your first kid.”

The singer shared what’s it like having Adele as her neighbour - “She’s my next-door neighbour so not only is she on the scene, but she’s like, around the corner. We live very close to each other, we’re friendly, we’ve known each other for a long time. I haven’t seen her in person since she’s been, like, you know, transforming herself because I was busy, she was busy. But I remember sometime last year, she just knocks on my door and comes in. I’m in my robe, it’s fun. She’s great. She’s very real.”

Speaking about coping in this pandemic - “I’ve been saying to myself, it’s okay not to be okay. It’s okay to have all these feelings. Remember when you think you’re so alone in your problems, we are all together, we’re all feeling this. I think all you have to do is pick up the phone and text someone or call someone and just talk about it for a couple of minutes and that always helps. Instagram is like, I’ll learn a skill, learn a language, learn how to cook and everybody looks so hunky dory, right? But I’m like I’ve cried these lashes off today ‘cause I just don’t know what to do, you know?”

Listen to Fleur East on Hits Radio Breakfast every weekday morning from 6am - hitsradio.co.uk

