Lily Allen has claimed she was offered a role in TV show American Horror Story but then forgot about it.

The Smile singer told her fans via Instagram Live on Wednesday night that she was approached by executives at the horror anthology series and asked about her availability.

"Maybe six months, a year ago... This is so embarrassing," she began. "OK, so, I was called up and asked what my availability was for autumn, I can't remember whether it was this year or next year, because they were interested in me being in American Horror Story... Sounds plausible. And I remember laughing with my manager about it at the time, because it was so far in advance, like as if I would know what I was going to be doing a year and a half from now."

She then decided to call her manager about the story, but he had "absolutely no recollection" of her being approached by the show's producers.

"Seb (Chew, Lily's manager) searched his emailed for (the words) 'American Horror Story' and nothing was there. I then called my mum (Alison Owen, film producer) thinking it may have come through her, and she also said she had no idea what I was talking about," she shared.

Her boyfriend, Stranger Things actor David Harbour, could be heard in the background insisting that the chat between Lily and the American Horror Story team had clearly "never happened", and Lily laughed as she insisted: "I know I did not make this up... So whoever it was at American Horror Story who wants me to be in American Horror Story just hit me up - because I'm interested. Ryan Murphy, just hit me up!"

