Madonna has told her followers she's tested positive for coronavirus antibodies.

The 61-year-old singer revealed the news in the latest instalment of her Quarantine Diary on her Instagram page on Thursday.

"Took a test the other day. And I found out that I have the antibodies," she said in the video. "So tomorrow, I'm just going to go for a long drive in a car, and I'm going to roll down the window, and I'm going to breathe in, I'm going to breathe in the Covid-19 air. Yup. I hope the sun is shining."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the tests check antibodies in the blood to see if a person has been previously exposed to the virus. The agency says that "a positive test result shows you have antibodies that likely resulted from an infection with SARS-CoV-2" - the virus that causes Covid-19.

CDC experts have also stated that it's currently unclear whether or not having the antibodies makes someone immune to the virus or prevents them from contracting Covid-19 again.

"Here's the good news," Madonna added in her Instagram video. "Tomorrow's another day and I'm going to wake up and I'm going to feel differently."

The Vogue star's revelation comes after she caused controversy last month when she called coronavirus the "great equaliser".

"That's the thing about Covid-19," she said at the time. "It doesn't care about how rich you are, how famous you are, how funny you are, how smart you are, where you live, how old you are, what amazing stories you can tell. It's the great equaliser... What's terrible (about the virus is also) what's great about it."

