Richard Marx became one of the heroes of a Korean Air flight from Hanoi, Viet Nam to Seoul, Korea when a passenger became violent.

Marx was travelling with his wife, Daisy Fuentes, when a passenger on the flight started pushing both flight attendants and passengers around in the cabin. Marx was one of the first to jump up and try to subdue the passenger which eventually took the form of tying him in his seat.

The man ended up being tied for most of the four-hour flight; however, he was able to escape the constraints on three different occasions.

Both Fuentes and Marx had opinions on the situation after the fact. Daisy said that, while the flight crew were equipped with a taser, they didn’t appear to know how it worked nor were they well versed in how to tie knots for restricting the movement of a passenger.

Marx also chimed in later, saying “You will be hearing about our flight#480 on @KoreanAir_KE. Passenger next to us attacked passengers and crew. Crew completely ill trained” … “We have video of entire chaotic and dangerous event on @KoreanAir_KE 480. Lasted 4 hours. Crew completely ill-equipped to handle situation.”

“The all female crew was clueless and not trained as to how to restrain this psycho and he was only initially subdued when I and a couple other male passengers intervened.”

A crew member and two passengers were injured. The man was arrested upon landing in Seoul.

