Chappaqua Wrestling have today shared ’Need You No More’ from their forthcoming debut album, Plus Ultra, following next month on 14th April. Its accompanying video is the third to be taken from their live performance series "On Ice."

As the band have introduced the world to their debut full length offering Plus Ultra with singles such as ‘Full Round Table’, ‘Wayfinding’ and ‘Wide Asleep’, a snapshot of the band’s headspace has come into clearer and clearer focus. They’ve lit a match under corrupt politicians, toasted the power of freewheeling revelry, and lambasted social media’s ability to warp minds. With the arrival of ‘Need You No More’ we see the band striding into a freer and easier mindset, finally able to celebrate an ending and the closing of a chapter. The band explains:

"With ‘Need You No More’ we took a huge glug from the hedonist's bottle, spitting the cork to the gutter. We finished recording our album after a heavy and focussed 12-day session in a Welsh field and needed some release. We wanted a song that is pure energy, pure elation and pure vibe, and we recorded it all live in one room together, lights off, getting rid of the prior considerations. Its message gets close to a love song, but its oxymoron-laced lyrics and rawness gave us the hedonistic release that we needed. Sometimes it’s more difficult to switch off than to stay on, so ecstatically enjoying the present moment when we can is something we should all celebrate."

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