This originally featured on Bandolier Tales in 2018 but this is a totally new imagining of the number, taking it deep into bar-room country and featuring BJ Cole on pedal steel, Ronnie Costley on vocals and Wily Bo Walker on backing vocals.

The original was a fine number, very much in line with the rest of the album but this version – well wow!
Yes it’s bar-stool-drunk maudlin and late-night-karaoke sickly sweet but it is an absolutely superb Country number. I’d almost go so far as to say that it is good enough to have come out of Commander Cody’s repertoire.

Considering the current state of the nation – Scotland as well as England – and the fact that there are no reasons for optimism at the moment, this is a perfect number for the new year but really it is just a terrific sad country number, done to perfection.