BRYDE returned last month with the announcement of her new album ‘The Volume of Things’, which is released on Easy Life Records on 29th May.

Today she reveals new track ‘Silence’. Speaking with BBC Radio Wales last week (where she is currently on the A-List), Bryde discussed the pros and cons of releasing music in this unprecedented time and how the song’s subject matter coincidentally relates. Check it out here.

“It feels strangely timely,” she says. “Before the eery stillness of a pandemic took hold I was looking for a way to calm the noise in my mind. Like many people in our hectic modern world I had been moving towards meditation, yoga and other ancient remedies to dampen the never-ending feeling of needing to achieve things. We are now being told and shown that achieving stuff is very much on the back burner, far far down our list of priorities and desires when we are not able to do the things that bring us real pleasure, like spending time in person with each other. ‘Silence’ is about finding the things that will quiet our noisy minds during this anxious yet unusually quiet time.”

