I knew it! I had a feeling that something like this album would be produced around this time. I can tell that ‘London’s Calling’ has been made because of the 2012 Olympics being held in London and various people wanting to celebrate the fact that London is one of the most multicultural cities in the world.

I really like the concept of the album and that there are ethnic groups using their own musical style to perform/ change songs centered around London but it is slightly predictable. Even so, the album is worth a listen as there are some hidden gems in the tracklist such as the particularly upbeat cover of Lily Allen’s hit, ‘LDN’ performed by the Krar Collectvie who even used their native tongue for parts of the song.

While the album is something a bit different, it isn’t that great. After one listen through I found myself skipping songs because I was slightly bored. Aside from the odd track, most of the album is a bit tedious. However, I do want to stress that this is only my opinion and I probably feel like this because I don’t fully appreciate the different styles and sounds of other nations music. If you are into African or Reggae music, this album would be a good buy as it’s most likely a bit different from what you’re used to. Having said all of this, I would recommend anyone to give the album a listen because it’s a bit different and you never know, you could surprise yourself.