Following yet another line-up change, this time bringing in ex Eurovision hopefully Jade Ewan, Sugababes are back with album number 7, although none of the current members were on album number 1!!

Leda single 'Get Sexy’ set the tone for this latest album, and unfortunately the Sugababe 'brand’ line-up changes have gradually eroded any uniqueness from the band, and instead have resulted in some fairly run of the mill pop / dance tunes that will not stand the test of time. 'About a Girl’ is a stronger number and stood up well in it’s own right as a single. New single 'Wear My Kiss’ is reminding me of Bananarama at the start!! It’s all quite Clubland in parts with bigger beats and more vocoder vocals than previously. Tracks like She’s A Mess’ are quite amusing in terms of lyrics but is still quite faceless.

They manage a slower number amongst the beats with 'Crash and Burn’ which may yet be an unfortunate title. 'Sweet and Amazing’ also stands out for being less dance, more poppy, which in this plethora of beats is quite a welcome relief .

It’s OK, but fairly unmemorable. Shame.

