Name: Thea Aquilina

Born on: 13/05/2004

Home town: Hal Safi

Website / Facebook / Twitter You Tube page links:

Sanremo Junior :

Malta junior Eurovision :

Melodija Magika :

Song Title : Kastelli fuq ir-Ramel - Rita Pace / Mark Spiteri Lucas / Augusto Cardinali

Favourite food: Pasta

Sports activity: Football

Favourite local TV show: Hbieb u ghedewwa

and favourite Foreign TV show: X Factor

How important is music to you/why: It's really important because it's a part of my life and I could not breath with out it.

From the current Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza Junior 2015 finalists, who would you choose to duet with/why:
If I would do a duet I do it with a male singer and I choose Aidan Jay Dragard because I really like his voice.

A typical weekday for you from morning to night:
Activities / rest a bit more / practice singing and if I have time I practice football.

How do you like to spend your weekends:
Relax / going to the beach more / sing / go out with my friends.

A message to the our readers?:
Don't give up if you are determined you will achieve it

Interviewed by Mr. Joseph Portelli (Music News Malta Editor)

Festival Information :