Name: Nicole Falzon

Born on: 23/06/2001

Home town: Qormi

Website / Facebook / Twitter / You Tube page links:

Song Title : Nghix Holma - Mark Spiteri Lucas / Emil Calleja Bayliss

Favourite food: pizza

Sports activity: swimming

Favourite local TV show: Katrina

and favourite Foreign TV show: The voice Uk

How important is music to you/why: For me music is the way that I express myself and it moves me in a way that nothing else does.

From the current Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza Junior 2015 finalists, who would you choose to duet with/why: Destiny Chukunyere

A typical weekday for you from morning to night: Monday
How do you like to spend your weekends: At the beach with friends

A message to the our readers?: Support all Maltese talents ! and don't forget to vote for me wink emoticon

Interviewed by Mr. Joseph Portelli (Music News Malta Editor)

Festival Information :