Name: Nicole Mangion / Nicole Camilleri

Born on:
Nic Mangion : 23/02/2001
Nic Camilleri : 24/12/2000

Home town:
Nic Mangion : Attard
Nic Camilleri : Naxxar

Website / Facebook / Twitter You Tube page links:
Nic Mangion :

Nic Camilleri :

Song Title : Nippruvaw - Priscilla Psaila / Emil Calleja Bayliss

Favourite food:
Nic Mangion : pasta
Nic Camilleri : pasta

Sports activity:
Nic Mangion : football
Nic Camilleri : dancing

Favourite local TV show:
Nic Mangion : Katrina
Nic Camilleri : Kartina,Caquffa and many more

and favourite Foreign TV show:
Nic Mangion : The Ellen show
Nic Camilleri : X factor

How important is music to you/why:
Nic Mangion : very important because I can express my feelings
Nic Camilleri :Music is important for me because it’s part of how I express my selfand now that i have been singing for serval years it’s a big part of my life

From the current Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza Junior 2015 finalists, who would you choose to duet with/why:
Nic Mangion : I have too many friends competing
Nic Camilleri : There are so many great singers so i don’t know exactly who i choose

A typical weekday for you from morning to night:
Nic Mangion : practice music and sports, chat with friends.
Nic Camilleri :In winter i start my day going to school and after I do my homework and if i don’t have anywhere to go i like to spend some time with my family.

How do you like to spend your weekends:
Nic Mangion : swimming, going out with friends
Nic Camilleri :it depends but mostly in winter with my family and friends and summer i like to go to the beach and have fun and enjoy summer days

A message to the our readers?: Try hard and you will achieve
Nic Camilleri :I woud like to thank all who supported me and something to keep in mind is to always believe in your self

Interviewed by Mr. Joseph Portelli (Music News Malta Editor)

Festival Information :

