
Name: Ecca

Born on: 28/5/1992

Home town: Lija

Website / Facebook / Twitter You Tube page links:

Song : Ġismi -

Favourite food: Tortellini

Sports activity:Going for long walks, always accompanied by my dog.

Favourite local TV show: Becky

and favourite Foreign TV show:Amici

How important is music to you/why: Music is my bread and butter, without it I die of under nurition.

Can you share with us something curious/funny which happened to you when performing: During an audition for Amici in Rome I could not remember my lyrics.

From the current *GTP finalists, who would you choose to duet with/why: I would have loved to duet with the Budaj, may God bless his soul.

A typical weekday for you from morning to night: Wake up as late as possible, attend University,after which when possible I also do voluntary work. Before I go to sleep I enjoy drawing while listening to some good music in the background.

How do you like to spend your weekends:Lazining off at home, go for wlaks and listen to music, of course. In the evening, attend some religious meetings and then go out with friends.

Can you froecast who will win the festival this year: I think the best song will win, without any doubt.

L-Ghanja Tal Poplu champions our national language. Do you think Malta should send a GTP winner to sing in Maltese at Eurovision one year and why/why not:Yes definitely. I have faith in Maltese language songs.

Your musical influences: The Italian godess Mina Your inspiration in life: Mother Teresa

A message to the our readers?: I am sure you will enjoy L-Għanja Tal-Poplu finals.

Interviewed by Mr. Joseph Portelli (Music News Malta Editor)

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