KIT KAT® is teaming up with Scouting for Girls to offer fans the chance to have a personal, unique gig experience, using augmented reality - the latest technology craze.

Using a promotional KIT KAT® 4 Finger (on shelf from mid August 2010), users will be able to unlock and view a one-off Scouting for Girls performance simply through their webcam.

Augmented reality is a digital technology that enables users to experience a ‘virtual’ 3D live performance - in this case an exclusive music performance.

Lead vocalist for Scouting for Girls, Roy Stride, says ‘We had a lot of fun making the augmented reality gig film and hope our fans enjoy a fun, new way of interacting with our music.’

To view the gig, via a promotional KIT KAT® 4 Finger, log on to, enter the VIP page and hold the special logo on the back of the bar up to your webcam and watch as a 3D hologram of a Scouting for Girls gig materialises in front of your very eyes.