L-Ghanja tal-Poplu 2014 INTERVIEW:

Name: Jeffrey Scicluna but is going to participate with a band group - 7 Spadi

Home town/city: Born in Luqa. Living in Fgura

Website / Facebook /You Tube? :
Email : jeffrey_scicluna@hotmail.com
Facebook : www.facebook.com/jeffrey.scicluna.9?fref=ts
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZaWBypiZ88

L-Ghanja tal-Poplu 2014 Song title: Il-Quccata

Lyrics & Music written by : Lyrics by Rita Pace and music by Jeffrey Scicluna

What message does your song give? I'll give it in Maltese so that I won't change any meaning.
'Il-hajja bhal rota... kultant meta tkun minn fuq, facli tinsa’ meta darba kont fil-qiegh, jew min ghenek sabiex tasal. Facli tinsa’ minn fejn bdejt u anki kemm batejt biex wasalt anki jekk forsi fost hafna dizappunti. l-opportunizmu jgaghlek anki tinsa’ u twarrab lil min illum ma bqajtx bzonnu. Meta wiehed jaghmel success facli jitlaghlu ghal rasu u jibda’ jara lil shabu inferjuri - bhad-dubbien. Izda r-rota zgur u mhux forsi xi darba ticcaqlaq u meta wiehed ma jibqax fil-quccata, jkollu jiftakar li fil-hajja kulhadd xi darba jew ohra, jista’ jigi bzonn xulxin. Ghalhekk trid tibqa’ saqajk ma’ l-art ghax ma tafx ma min ikollok thabbat wiccek meta ma tibqax fil-quccata...'

Do you like to compete in Festivals? Why/Why Not?: Yes and no! I like to compete because I like to make new friends together with those I already know. I don't like to compete in festivals because it is NOT the only thing to expose your talents.

This Festival supports our native tongue. Do you prefer to sing in Maltese, English or another language? Definitely Maltese but I like English too

Which is your favourite Maltese Song of all time?: Dghajsa tal-Latini - New Cuorey

And your favourite International Song of all time?: Russians - Sting

Who inspires you as an Artist?: Gordon Andrew Samner known better as Sting. I really admire him as a person and also as a great performer

Would you share highlights from your music career during the last 12 months? : Yes but not all!

What are your goals in music ? : I am not interested in winning (even though I love it if I succeed) Winning is just a bonus. I am more interested on the message portrayed to all of us, me included.

How much time per day do you spend on your music career ? : Before I had more time. But now it's much more interesting because I share it with my son, Jaylen, and also my wife Josianne.

If you had to choose another Artist to duet with, who would that be and why? Adele...she has a really stunning voice.

Do you have a message for the Music News Malta followers ? : NEVER GIVE UP HOPE.