Folk sensation Mumford & Sons have an “incredibly fruitful” time writing their album number two and want fan involvement.

Ted Dwane of the band did an interview with XFM around St. Patrick’s Day, and said he wants to get audiences involved in the making of their much-anticipated follow-up to their monster hit Sigh No More.

“We really love the idea of involving our audiences in some way,” Dwane said. “That's how we did Sigh No More. We did it live, the songs were played in front of crowds, they evolved in front of an audience. We're quite intent on doing that again for the second album. It feels like a logical way to work out what you want to record.'

They’ve recently booked a tour using an old train for transport and as a railroad recording studio, and Dwane said recent songwriting efforts have been productive.

“We were in Nashville, just before we did the Grammys and the Brits, just holed up in a farm house for seven days just writing,” he revealed. “Just the four of us and it was the most incredibly fruitful time.”

Their second album will likely be released before the end of the year.

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