DMX has streaked around a hotel because he "felt like" being nude.

The American rapper was in Detroit earlier this month and decided to play a prank during his hotel stay.

In a video obtained by TMZ, the hip-hop star is seen wandering the corridors of the establishment dressed in just his underwear, socks and house arrest ankle bracelet. A staff member is seen taking house service debris from a room, apparently causing DMX to come up with his cheeky plan.

He quickly steps behind a corner, removes his boxer short and then runs down the corridor in the nude.

The website contacted the star for comment, and he was completely unabashed.

"We reached out to X... who said he just 'felt like' doing a nudie run that day ... adding, 'Imnotashamedofanythingigot' (read: 'I'm not ashamed of anything I got.')," the site reports.

DMX eventually arrives at the place he began his lap, picks up his underwear and walks back to his room seemingly as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

The 42-year-old star's joke comes after a difficult few months.

In February he was arrested for driving without a license and in July he was arrested for the same offence, as well as DUI.

Last month he was taken into custody after the car he was travelling in made an illegal U-turn and was pulled over. He wasn't driving but was arrested as he had an outstanding warrant. He was also cited after marijuana was found in the vehicle.

