It is always interesting to get an album to review with no knowledge of the artists or preconceptions as to what it will be about. And even better to find that the album is something you can listen to many times, still finding elements that grab the ear.

Megger is a French composer and musician, teamed here with Laure Biss, a violin player and singer. Their training includes the Conservatoire in Paris and the Claude Debussy Conservatory, both compose, Megger writes the lyrics and Laure sings, plays violin.

Musically, this would basically be classified as Electronica but there are elements of Rave, Tangerine Dream, Jarre, Charlotte Gainsbourg all combining to create a flowing and peaking electronic journey that leaves you wanting the trip to continue at the end of the line.
Biss’ vocals are dreamy, smooth and very pure and the electro rhythms are more complex than the standard fare.
Every track can be taken on its own merits without losing integrity, but the album is best played as one to get the full flow.

To a certain extent, this is Ibiza class dance music but with great variation and fluidity in the music and especially the vocal sections, make this something a bit more than the norm.

An excellent first release, I look forward to hearing more from them in future

At the moment, this is only available on Bandcamp -