A Welsh singer signed to an independent Swiss record label ​The Hana Road Music Group​, Ryan Davies, is releasing his second single “Never Felt It”.

Debuting with a lyrical song ​“Beautiful Thing”​, Ryan easily hit over a million views on YouTube. The song track featured on the BBC Welsh radio station and received multiple feedback from various indie-music blogs.

Just before releasing his ​first EP​ this year, Ryan reveals more of his personality and experience in an upbeat track ​“Never Felt It”​ which is to be released on ​March, 1st​.

“​Never Felt It​ is a song about the first stages of a relationship. Whereas most beginnings of a relationship are magical and great, this song speaks about being stuck in limbo in a relationship that you feel isn’t quite working. Some of the things I feel can go through someone’s mind when they’re in that place”, Ryan says. So the song is to resonate with many people.

The music video will be available soon after the official release.


