Chris Brown is supposedly working hard to ensure his new album X “makes a killing”.

Since being released from jail in June, the 26-year-old R&B singer has been wrapping up production on his sixth studio LP, X.

And although song writing has been thwarted by a host of legal issues in recent history, Chris is said to be partnering with music industry experts in an effort to make his next release extremely successful.

“Chris wants X to not only be bomb in terms of the content, but he wants it to make a killing and sell well too,” a source told Hollywood Life. “This is a business and he does want to make money.

“The people behind him who are working on this are straight professionals who have been doing this before Chris was even born. They know what they’re doing and Chris is letting them do their jobs. That’s what they get paid to do.”

Apparently X, which features exciting collaborations with stars like Ariana Grande and Kendrick Lamar, will be available for public consumption very soon.

“[Chris is] about to announce [a] fall album release date,” the insider explained.

Chris recently left jail, after being locked up for a probation violation due to being booted from an anger-management rehab. His probation order extends from a conviction for the assault of ex-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009.

Since his release from custody, Chris has launched a major comeback. He most recently starred in a hilarious skit with rumoured rival Drake for the 2014 ESPYS, which took place earlier this month.

The Deuces singer also put on an exceptional performance at the 2014 BET Awards, his first show since leaving jail.

