The X Factor is Simon Cowell, love him or hate him the UK version needs him back and fast.

It all started so well in August with the new NEXT GENERATION judges, Tulisa, Gary Barlow and Kelly Rowland. Although they are still doing a good job, the return of the live shows reminded us what we are really missing...Mr Simon Cowell.

Simon is, as we know, very busy working on the US version of the show. But we need him to come home. His whole aura and personality is bigger than the show but the show is not bigger without him.

Saturday's first live show was good but it lacked the spark of previous years. One viewer even told a national newspaper "It was a big ask for Gary Barlow to step into Cowell’s shoes, and he has done so did incredibly well. But for pure bite and bitchiness, there is no one like Cowell.’

The viewing figures tell a big story as well. According to reports, the first live show of The X Factor fell to a three-year ratings low, nearly 2 million viewers down on the the first live show in 2010.

And it's not just the because of the X Factor that people love him. Ryan Ashmore Co-Founder & Chairman of Duncan Bannatyne's RKA Records said today, "My biggest inspiration when starting my record label was definitely Simon Cowell, mainly because he was in my position back when he started. He worked extremely hard to get to where he is today and still continues to change peoples lives" High praise indeed.

So as we head towards the second live show, the list is growing for those who say....Come back Simon.

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