Megadeth star Dave Mustaine is winning his cancer battle after completing treatment and starting rehabilitation ahead of a European tour.

The rocker revealed his diagnosis in May (19) and subsequently scrapped all Megadeth-related activity to focus on his health, but now he can't wait to hit the road again, and in a new interview with Rolling Stone he admits he feels strong and healthy.

"I'm on the other side of the majority of the treatment, and I feel really strong," he says. "After the radiation, the guy said all of my test results looked amazing... and then the oncologist said the same thing."

Mustaine tells the magazine he didn't appreciate the way he found out about his cancer, during a visit to an an oral surgeon for a dental fix.

"He was such a c**k," Dave explains. "I was in the chair, and he looks at me and then he takes off. And I’m sitting there, and I’m waiting and waiting and waiting, and he comes back in and he goes, 'It looks like the Big C. You need to go see an ear, nose, and throat doctor'.

"I was just stunned with his bedside manner; he was just such a d**k. So I went out into my car and I was obviously very upset."

He then called a friend of a friend, who is "an ER guy", and he assured the rocker nothing was wrong but he should get a proper check-up when he returned home from touring.

"We go see an ENT (ear, nose & throat specialist) and get checked out. Two weeks go by. I thought, 'No news is good news, right?' So I finally get him on the phone, and he goes, 'Oh, yeah. You have cancer'.

"I went, 'F**k!' And I thought, 'OK, Mustaine, you can do this', and we commenced kicking this thing’s a**. I thought about every single trick that I had learned about healing my body and the things I’d learned from martial arts, and I did everything that the doctor said to a T, and hopefully this is the end of it and I never hear of it again. But I feel great."

Mustaine hasn't officially been told he's in remission and his medics haven't exactly given him permission to tour, but he adds, "They’re freaking out over how well I've healed. I’ve got people around the globe praying for me. I take good care of myself, and I don’t know how anybody can expect any other outcome than this, knowing me. I never settle for anything but complete success or, in this case, victory."

