Ozzy Osbourne says 2019 is already one of the "most f***ed up years of my life" after he suffered numerous health issues.

The 70-year-old rocker admitted he has been in "such pain" this year, which got off to a terrible start when he broke his neck, and he later suffered blood clots.

He said: "It's been one of the most f***ed-up years of my life.

"I broke my neck in January, I had pneumonia, I've had f***ing blood clots ... it's been an eventful year, to say the least. I have been in such pain this year."

Speaking about his neck injury, he said: "I went home for a short break and I got two staph infections in two of my fingers. God knows how that happened. That cleared up.

"Then I did the New Year's Eve show at the Forum here in Los Angeles. That was the last gig I did, cos the following February, I went for a bathroom break in the night and lost my footing. I hit the deck like a f***ing ton of bricks."

Ozzy's tumble aggravated an old injury he suffered during his infamous 2003 quad bike accident, and he claims his wife Sharon Osbourne told him to "get back in bed" after the recent fall, despite him complaining he may have broken his neck.

Speaking on SiriusXM's Ozzy's Boneyard radio station, he added: "I don't know if you remember, a few years back, I had a quad bike accident.

"I'd done some damage there, but they just patched me up. For the last 10 years, I've been getting electric shocks down my arm. So when I fell down just after New Year's Eve, I was lying there and I said, 'Well, you've f***ing done it.'

"So then I said to Sharon ... She goes, 'What are you doing?' It was two oclock in the morning.

"I said, 'I think I broke my neck.' She goes, 'Oh, go and get back in bed.' I said, 'No. Call an ambulance.' So that was it."

Ozzy recently admitted he felt "helpless" and like he was going "nuts" when he was in hospital undergoing neck surgery.

The Black Sabbath star said: "I cannot describe to you the helpless feeling that I had. I had to use [a walker] to go for a pee. I had to have nurses, day and night. Just being in hospital is enough to drive you nuts. I thank God I didn't paralyse myself when I had that accident. I wouldn't be here now. I would have jumped off the f***ing roof - or fell off the roof, whatever."

