“Hybrid” is the second release of Michiel Papenhove (ex-Within Temptation) AKA Michett and this eleven track album focusses on combining metal music with just about anything. This approach was explored earlier on debut album “GRUB” but this time it has been elevated to be the backbone of the entire project. From pounding metal riffs supporting poppy vocals to cheesy '80s synth-rock with an unexpected edge and from old school doom influenced parts to bouncing EDM-intermezzos, it can all be found on this new release.

“Hybrid” is a truly independent creation: the songwriting, arranging, recording, performing, producing, mixing and mastering were all done by Michett and the artwork was created by life partner Karianne Hylkema (Kalipluche) who handles all visual aspects. The album has been available since June 24th 2018 and can be found on all major streaming services.

Latest album Hybrid on Spotify

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