Mel B has reportedly been ordered to have a "responsible adult" at home with her when her seven-year-old daughter stays overnight.

The former Spice Girls singer is locked in a bitter custody battle over daughter Madison with ex-husband Stephen Belafonte.

In the latest development in the court case, Mel is allowed to keep the child for overnight visits, but only if another adult is around during the visit, according to The Blast.

The court order states that the America's Got Talent judge can "hire an acceptable nanny from a registered and bonded agency" to satisfy the requirement, but there must be someone "present" so that the star is not left alone with her child unsupervised.

The ruling comes after a former childminder dropped a bombshell in her ongoing legal spat by claiming the singer-turned-TV personality was an unfit mother.

Russell Updegraff, who looked after Mel's daughters Madison and Angel, insisted in court papers her children were at risk due to her drinking.

After the shocking testimony, the judge ordered a "full-scale evaluation" of the joint custody arrangement, and ordered Mel, real name Melanie Brown, to undergo drug and alcohol testing for four months as part of the joint custody agreement she has in place with her ex.

The warring couple was also ordered to refrain from taking drugs or drinking alcohol eight hours before they have custody of Madison, or during their time with the child.

Mel recently announced that she plans to head to rehab in the U.K. to seek help for newly-diagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

She also confessed to using sex and alcohol to "numb" her pain, but realised she needed help after reaching a "crisis point".