Gothic pianist Ozymandias certainly knows how to impose a spine-shivering spell on everyone, captivating souls in subtle emotional reflections, which seep through his fingers straight into the keys, revealing an intoxicating presence from the heart. His natural sonic-beauty warms a hellish world, surrounded by thought-provoking horror, harking back to an all too often forgotten, classical era.

And it should've seemed obvious that the Swiss pianist, also known as Christophe Terrettaz, would invite genre experimentalist Kelli Ali to collaborate on his new album, with her eerily sweet vocals settling in between Christophe's breathtaking expressions, weaving together the fabrics of an enchanting darkness, as though they were born together.

Best known for her hit single 6 Underground with the Sneaker Pimps, Kelli's solo career has basked in the essences of post-trip-hop, pop, folk and post-punk, something that her maverick nature has always hit spot on, no matter what genre she aims for. And this couldn't be anymore true on A Paradise Inhabited by Devils, as Kelli's vocals adapt into a whole new angelic depth, forwarding on from her traditional folk album The Rocking Horse, which saw Kelli's spiritual presence released through alluring harmonics.

Combined with Ozymandias, the scenes for a black & white expressionism soundtrack were set in place, haunting the album through Mary Shelley-inspired nightmares.

The opening track Dark Mirror immediately hits a sombre emotion-chord, mournfully expressing the foundations of an ethereal tale, through Elizabeth Frazer-esque vocals from Kelli, who crosses Ozymandias slow-deathly mesmerics with heavenly illusions. Imagine a ghostly white dress, floating down the stairs, and you'll almost feel the phantom possession coldness passing through you.

Following on, the gentle Le Voyage De Vernon breathes a frost onto the backs of necks, making every hair stand up and resurrecting a modern-day Clara Rockmore & Nadia Reisenberg as though the pioneering theremin/piano duo had taken over Kelli and Christophe in one last unearthly performance.

And the theremin likeness grows from strength to strength, with vocally instrumental-vibrato, widening in pitch range like a choir of etherwaves in sorrowed entities. This especially rings true on Only the Sun, which leaves most listeners fighting back the tears, formed by Kelli's bittersweet lyrical affections, held together with Ozymandias' dramatical/tragic piano intensities.

But it is The Death of Despina that grips hold of anxious fans, bereaving them into overwhelming shoegaze and Harold Budd-inspired elevations, raising a pale fright to build-up through minimalism-fear of silence. Perhaps the creepiest yet passion-fuelled track to appear on the album, it numbs those who become engulfed into the depths.

Fluttering with elegance and terror, A Paradise Inhabited by Devils brings out a whole new, gothic side to Kelli, allowing her to flourish in creativity and exhume a talent that all too often goes undetected. Turn off the lights and burn some candles. Forget the séance, as you might just see a few shadows, moving to Kelli's resurrecting vocals.