Federico Zig is an Argentinian moved to London in 2000 at 19 years of age, hoping to let loose his artistic and musical talents in the 'old smoke’.

His band 'My Juliette’ is the result with an EP release called 'Crying Ocean’. I personally would have used the name 'Zig’ or 'The Zig’ but his choice probably reveals more of his dreamy, sensitive nature which comes through on the EP. Pleasant listening it is too with the white reggae based 'My Wings’, the Jeff Buckley style 'Ghost Song’, electric guitar riffed 'Crying Ocean’, indeed all 6 tracks have an endearing quality.

Some of the melodics remind me of early Aztec Camera in their delicacy; dreamy is a good word for Zig. The only problem is the accent which sounds like too many mock Italian or French cover bands singing English. It can be sweet at first but then it starts to irritate. For any success this side of the water, a few lessons with the Duchess of Kent would be appreciated.

On the Pink Onion record label, which linked to Rough Trade is a good enough guarantee for validity, inspires to check out Zig( yes I like saying that word) on www.myjuliette.org for download links and to be impressed.

