The Gorillaz, the cartoon group created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewllet, are on their way back.

The musician and the artist will reunite in the near future for the followup to their 2011 album The Fall. Albarn has been hinting at the new album over the last few months and, this week, Hewllet posted new artwork on his Instagram of “band members” Murdoc and Noodle. When the art brought questions from fans, Hewllet wrote “Yes Gorillaz Returns.”

Gorillaz was originally “formed” in 1998 while Albarn was still active with his group Blur. The pair released their first album, Gorillaz (#14 U.S. / #3 U.K.), in 2001 and have followed with Demon Days (2005 / #6 U.S. / #1 U.K.), Plastic Beach (2010 / #2 U.S. & U.K.) and The Fall (2011 / #24 U.S. / #12 U.K.). Their hits include Clint Eastwood (featuring Del the Funky Homosapien) (2001 / #57 U.S. / #4 U.K.), Feel Good, Inc. (featuring De La Soul) (2005 / #14 U.S. / #2 U.K.) and Dare (2005 / #87 U.S. / #1 U.K.).

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