There is nothing sweet about Gabriella Cilmi on her new song. The `Sweet About Me` has upped the tempo on her new song `On A Mission`.

`On A Mission` is closer toward “pop Kylie” than the “soul Amy Winehouse” sound of the new album but gives Gabriella a new sound.

Her second studio album will follow-up the globally successful ‘Lessons To Be Learned”. Gabriella has been working on the record with Danger Mouse of Gnarls Barkley fame. She has previously revealed that Blondie was a big influence for her with his record. Brian Higgins (Girls Aloud) has also been in the studio for the yet-to-be named album.

Gabriella really showed her true colours when she performed at SXSW and rocked out more than a lot of the rock acts. As well as channelling Blondie, she has been absorbing influences from the likes of Led Zeppelin as well.

