Although she would have us believe it was part of her dance routine, J-Lo’s recent stage-tumble at the American Music Awards is proof that even the most co-ordinated individuals can have an off-day.

La Lopez was strutting her stuff to new single ‘Louboutins’, climbing onto a human pyramid of semi-naked performers, when she slipped and fell back onto the stage. Ever the professional, J-Lo quickly recovered, later claiming the move was choreographed...

The Top 5 in full:

1. Beyoncé fell down 12 stairs while performing at the Amway Arena in Orlando, Florida – July, 2007
2. Robbie Williams fell on stage whilst performing at Leeds in 2006. Robbie carried on singing from the floor. He was quick to see the funny side and admitted his embarrassment to the crowd
3. Dizzee Rascal fell off stage at the University of Kent in June 2009. He tripped over mid-song and fell head first into the University of Kent crowd in Canterbury.
4. Jennifer Lopez November 2009, American Music Awards – see above for details
5. Dave Grohl fell over in May 2008 in Auckland after jumping on the drummers mini stage